

Leadership & Management Workshop

Coming Soon

Mar 14-16, 2024







Coming Soon

Miami, FL


Erika Ferenczi



Erika Ferenczi

Workshop Overview

The way to grow your firm – professionally and financially – is to build an ENGAGED TEAM that drives your firm forward and carries your vision out into the world. It's time to increase and expedite the growth of your business by making all the parts run on time and in tandem, by stopping the revolving door of employees and by increasing employee engagement, satisfaction and retention. You are about to BECOME A BETTER LEADER for your team!
During this workshop we will cover the three pillars of creating a high performing team.
LEADERSHIP. We need to begin with you. We all want to be better leaders, we all know we need to become better leaders, but what does that actually mean? What can and should you do Monday morning as you go back to the office?
CULTURE. Culture is the glue that keeps the team together. Culture is what people rally behind, and how employees go from average to high commitment, high performance. Culture is how retention increases and is the basis for motivation. You will leave with a clear plan as to how to start improving or establishing a culture immediately.
MANAGEMENT. This is the tactical, and the easiest piece of all! You will create and align your strategic objectives, meeting cadence of your law firm, KPI’s from the top down, performance reviews, and reporting & metrics so you can create a culture where employees take personal ownership of their results. We will also teach you how to conduct difficult conversations, how to give feedback, and how to know when you are ready to fire with zero guilt…

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NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.

NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.

Workshop Overview

The way to grow your firm – professionally and financially – is to build an ENGAGED TEAM that drives your firm forward and carries your vision out into the world. It's time to increase and expedite the growth of your business by making all the parts run on time and in tandem, by stopping the revolving door of employees and by increasing employee engagement, satisfaction and retention. You are about to BECOME A BETTER LEADER for your team!
During this workshop we will cover the three pillars of creating a high performing team.
LEADERSHIP. We need to begin with you. We all want to be better leaders, we all know we need to become better leaders, but what does that actually mean? What can and should you do Monday morning as you go back to the office?
CULTURE. Culture is the glue that keeps the team together. Culture is what people rally behind, and how employees go from average to high commitment, high performance. Culture is how retention increases and is the basis for motivation. You will leave with a clear plan as to how to start improving or establishing a culture immediately.
MANAGEMENT. This is the tactical, and the easiest piece of all! You will create and align your strategic objectives, meeting cadence of your law firm, KPI’s from the top down, performance reviews, and reporting & metrics so you can create a culture where employees take personal ownership of their results. We will also teach you how to conduct difficult conversations, how to give feedback, and how to know when you are ready to fire with zero guilt…

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Are you ready to register?

To register for this workshops please visit the "Please RSVP" section of the Events Page

What Our Members Are Saying About This Workshop


"Great workshop! Highly recommend. I am walking away prepared to put in place a plan for more engagement with my team, documenting my expectations, non-negotiables and party fouls, as well as setting up a consistent and effective plan to evaluate the performance of my team."

~ Leila S.

"This was extremely valuable. We learned that being a leader is more than about tracking metrics and being a taskmaster to our team. It is about who you are. How you show up. And the connections you make with your teams."

~ Aaron M.

"Do you feel like managing people is the bane of your existence? That’s reasonable, because it can be. But not once you’ve gone to the leadership and management workshop. If you want to understand HOW to get the results you want out of your people, WITHOUT being a dictator and in such a way that you and your team feel GOOD about your management, and you create a place that people (including you!) want to come every day and WANT TO STAY - you gotta do this workshop!"

~ Mandy M.

"We learned so much about how to lead, manage and create incredible culture! This is a must take workshop if you’re serious about growth. This exceeded all of our expectations. I had the privilege of bringing 3 team members to this workshop and we’re so excited to get back to our office and implement!"

~ Matt G.

 "This workshop should be one of the first you take because it will set you up for success in the employee production part of the business which helps the other areas work better. It should be mandatory!"

~ Susan K.

This workshop is my favorite workshop I’ve attended. My big takeaways for implementation include: importance of team goals, maintaining cognizance of energy levels on a daily basis, learning more about what makes my employees tick, hiring/firing based off of values and defining my firm’s values more clearly. I’ve gotten a lot out of it and my firm will be better for it!

~ Curt R.

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Upcoming Workshops


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Facilitator is TBD
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Laura Helton
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Erika Ferenczi
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Train Staff to Think Like You - Fundamental Internal & External Policies + Some of Nichole's Favs

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
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How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

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RJon Robins
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Laura Helton
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Introduction To Mindset Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
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1% Inspiration, 99% Implementation - Get Sh*t Done Workshop

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Beth Freeman
Beth Freeman
View Workshop Details

Aug 16, 2024


How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Aug 16, 2024


How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Sep 19-21, 2024


Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Sep 19-21, 2024


Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Sep 19-21, 2024


Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Sep 23-25, 2024


Leadership & Management Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Sep 23-25, 2024


Leadership & Management Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Get Your Damn Money - An A/R Collections Lab

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

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Tania Music
Tania Music
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Nov 21-22, 2024


Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Get Your Damn Money - An A/R Collections Lab

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

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Tania Music
Tania Music
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-22, 2024


Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Get Your Damn Money - An A/R Collections Lab

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

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Tania Music
Tania Music
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-22, 2024


Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-22, 2024


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Beth Freeman
Beth Freeman
View Workshop Details

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
Oscar Ferenczi
Oscar Ferenczi
Rajiv  Khatri
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RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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RJon Robins
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View Workshop Details

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Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $1.5M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $7M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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