

Mastermind with RJon

Coming Soon

Sep 22-25, 2024





10KBooks Program


Coming Soon

Miami, FL


RJon Robins



RJon Robins

Workshop Overview

Whether this is your first Mastermind, or you’ve participated before, these are sure to be some of the most business and life-changing days…
If you arrive with the right attitude and with a little preparation. You can literally advance your thinking about your business and how you interact with it by an amount that normally takes decades; but you’re going to accomplish that in only a few days.
The intended outcome of a Mastermind is to help you see your own blind spot. That is, to help you see what’s been stopping you from building or allowing your business to reach its full potential.
We’ll be seated around a table. Each person, against a timer, will have 45 minutes.
The first few minutes are for you to introduce yourselves explain what your business does, and your biggest problems and goals. You’ve got three minutes to say who you are, what your business does and what you think is holding your business back.
Try to be succinct, consider it a quick way to get everyone else up to speed on you and your company. We do not need to know every single little detail about your business. Just the facts. Just the relevant facts.
(When presenting, most people spend too much time introducing their business and justifying their actions to date. Instead, try to use this as an opportunity to succinctly get others up to speed on what you do. You’ll get more benefit if we spend the majority of your session focused on your future)
You’ll get the most benefit out of the experience if before you arrive you’ve prepared this 3-minute introduction based on the following talking points:
My Firm Name is [Company Name].
Our Magic Statement is [client/customer segment] do [solved pain point] by [the thing you do].
We have [number of employees], [sales figures] and [other relevant data, special credentials, experience, qualifications etc.].
My biggest challenge, and what I’d like to receive your help with today is [biggest challenge]. You might also phrase it as “If I only could figure out X”.
Please keep this in mind when people give you feedback:

  • You have limited time in the hot seat, it’s best not used “explaining away” the feedback that comes your way.
  • If people misunderstand your business or ideas, take that as feedback.
  • Listening is as important as presenting, probably even more so!
  • Here are some questions you can use to solicit better feedback: Can you see any glaring blind spots that I might not be realizing myself?· What would you do if you owned this company?  


A mastermind group, by definition, is a collective of like-minded people looking to grow their business. As such, nothing spoken about in the Mastermind is to be discussed outside the Mastermind.

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NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.

NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.

Workshop Overview

Whether this is your first Mastermind, or you’ve participated before, these are sure to be some of the most business and life-changing days…
If you arrive with the right attitude and with a little preparation. You can literally advance your thinking about your business and how you interact with it by an amount that normally takes decades; but you’re going to accomplish that in only a few days.
The intended outcome of a Mastermind is to help you see your own blind spot. That is, to help you see what’s been stopping you from building or allowing your business to reach its full potential.
We’ll be seated around a table. Each person, against a timer, will have 45 minutes.
The first few minutes are for you to introduce yourselves explain what your business does, and your biggest problems and goals. You’ve got three minutes to say who you are, what your business does and what you think is holding your business back.
Try to be succinct, consider it a quick way to get everyone else up to speed on you and your company. We do not need to know every single little detail about your business. Just the facts. Just the relevant facts.
(When presenting, most people spend too much time introducing their business and justifying their actions to date. Instead, try to use this as an opportunity to succinctly get others up to speed on what you do. You’ll get more benefit if we spend the majority of your session focused on your future)
You’ll get the most benefit out of the experience if before you arrive you’ve prepared this 3-minute introduction based on the following talking points:
My Firm Name is [Company Name].
Our Magic Statement is [client/customer segment] do [solved pain point] by [the thing you do].
We have [number of employees], [sales figures] and [other relevant data, special credentials, experience, qualifications etc.].
My biggest challenge, and what I’d like to receive your help with today is [biggest challenge]. You might also phrase it as “If I only could figure out X”.
Please keep this in mind when people give you feedback:

  • You have limited time in the hot seat, it’s best not used “explaining away” the feedback that comes your way.
  • If people misunderstand your business or ideas, take that as feedback.
  • Listening is as important as presenting, probably even more so!
  • Here are some questions you can use to solicit better feedback: Can you see any glaring blind spots that I might not be realizing myself?· What would you do if you owned this company?  


A mastermind group, by definition, is a collective of like-minded people looking to grow their business. As such, nothing spoken about in the Mastermind is to be discussed outside the Mastermind.

Sold Out

Are you ready to register?

To register for this workshops please visit the "Please RSVP" section of the Events Page

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Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
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Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

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