

Unleash The BEAST

Coming Soon

Sep 19-21, 2024







Coming Soon

Miami, FL


Erika Ferenczi



Erika Ferenczi

Workshop Overview

Success is NOT Random. It is deliberately chosen, practiced and UNLEASHED!
This event is NOT for spectators! Instead it is all about helping you get results. It is about gaining self-mastery of your mind, emotions, issues and life. It is about overcoming struggles and turning them into your driving force for success.
If you want to gain clarity and knowledge, acquire tools and skills and operate with a plan for how to think your way through every day so you can grow your business then this workshop is for you!
Topics we will cover include:
1. Learn to “Turn It On” when you need it. Reliably.
2. Learn how to let "The Beast" rest with confidence - it can and will be unleashed when needed.
3. Transforming self-doubt into self-belief.
4. Stop being a victim of your circumstances and get in control of your destiny.
5. The secret way of thinking that all successful entrepreneurs (and athletes) have in common; they all think the same way, we will show you how.
6. How to use your mind, patterns and habits for a financial breakthrough.
7. How people who achieve extraordinary results tend to think differently about a whole bunch of boring mundane stuff that everyone else thinks about, too.

This workshop is 100% appropriate for you to share with your spouse or significant-other and even adult children or especially-mature teenagers but NOT with staff.
This is a deep and immersive experience that will take you to your edges and teach you how to identify, understand and connect with your inner-power, so that you can finally get out of your OWN way and align yourself to the level of wealth and success you are meant for.

Sold Out

NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.

NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.

Workshop Overview

Success is NOT Random. It is deliberately chosen, practiced and UNLEASHED!
This event is NOT for spectators! Instead it is all about helping you get results. It is about gaining self-mastery of your mind, emotions, issues and life. It is about overcoming struggles and turning them into your driving force for success.
If you want to gain clarity and knowledge, acquire tools and skills and operate with a plan for how to think your way through every day so you can grow your business then this workshop is for you!
Topics we will cover include:
1. Learn to “Turn It On” when you need it. Reliably.
2. Learn how to let "The Beast" rest with confidence - it can and will be unleashed when needed.
3. Transforming self-doubt into self-belief.
4. Stop being a victim of your circumstances and get in control of your destiny.
5. The secret way of thinking that all successful entrepreneurs (and athletes) have in common; they all think the same way, we will show you how.
6. How to use your mind, patterns and habits for a financial breakthrough.
7. How people who achieve extraordinary results tend to think differently about a whole bunch of boring mundane stuff that everyone else thinks about, too.

This workshop is 100% appropriate for you to share with your spouse or significant-other and even adult children or especially-mature teenagers but NOT with staff.
This is a deep and immersive experience that will take you to your edges and teach you how to identify, understand and connect with your inner-power, so that you can finally get out of your OWN way and align yourself to the level of wealth and success you are meant for.

Sold Out

Are you ready to register?

To register for this workshops please visit the "Please RSVP" section of the Events Page

What Our Members Are Saying About This Workshop


"Wow….. just wow. I just spent 3 days with an amazing group of people and coaches dealing with emotions, taking a good hard look at my fears and being receptive to honest feedback that gave me the swift kick in the ass that I needed to get me and my business to where it should be. It made me take a good hard look at myself and what needs to change. Thank you to the awesome group that shared this crazy ride with me. I hope I was as beneficial to you as you were to me."

~ Alina N.

"If you know something is holding you back but don’t quite know WHY that thing is still in your way, or maybe you don’t even know WHAT that thing is, you need to sign up. After all, you cannot fix what you do not see or understand."

~ Marisa P.

"If you ever want to see one or more (or several) of your blind spots, sit in a room for three days with Erika and Tania, and several of your HTM-mates. You’ll laugh (I did). You’ll cry (I did). You’ll say things you don’t expect (I did). You’ll hear things you don’t expect (I did). You’ll learn things you don’t expect (I did). You’ll receive things you don’t expect...and you’ll save some things for later that you didn’t expect (I did.)

Mindset is HUGE! It’s the biggest driver we’ve got. It’s also the biggest stopper we’ve got. In short, it’s just about everything we’ve got. If you want to know what’s stopping you from moving forward in your business or in your life, Unleash the Beast is BY FAR one of THE BEST WAYS to find out. DO IT – you will NOT regret it!!"

~ Heather K.

I can't say enough about what this course, these participants and Erika have done for me. If there was only 1 workshop that you could take this would have to be the one.

~ John B.

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Upcoming Workshops


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Facilitator is TBD
View Workshop Details

Aug 15-16, 2024


Introduction To Mindset Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Aug 15-16, 2024


Train Staff to Think Like You - Fundamental Internal & External Policies + Some of Nichole's Favs

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

Aug 15, 2024


How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

- Sold Out

RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Aug 15-17, 2024


Sales Mastery Laboratory Experience (aka Gas Call Workshop)

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Tania Music
Tania Music
Laura Helton
Laura Helton
View Workshop Details

Aug 15-16, 2024


Introduction To Mindset Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Aug 15-16, 2024


1% Inspiration, 99% Implementation - Get Sh*t Done Workshop

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Beth Freeman
Beth Freeman
View Workshop Details

Aug 15-16, 2024


Train Staff to Think Like You - Fundamental Internal & External Policies + Some of Nichole's Favs

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

Aug 15, 2024


How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

- Sold Out

RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Aug 15-17, 2024


Sales Mastery Laboratory Experience (aka Gas Call Workshop)

- Sold Out

Tania Music
Tania Music
Laura Helton
Laura Helton
View Workshop Details

Aug 15-16, 2024


Introduction To Mindset Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Aug 15-16, 2024


1% Inspiration, 99% Implementation - Get Sh*t Done Workshop

- Sold Out

Beth Freeman
Beth Freeman
View Workshop Details

Aug 16, 2024


How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

- Sold Out

RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Aug 16, 2024


How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

- Sold Out

RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Sep 19-21, 2024


Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Sep 19-21, 2024


Unleash The BEAST

- Sold Out

Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Sep 19-21, 2024


Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Sep 23-25, 2024


Leadership & Management Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Sep 23-25, 2024


Leadership & Management Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Get Your Damn Money - An A/R Collections Lab

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

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Tania Music
Tania Music
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-22, 2024


Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Get Your Damn Money - An A/R Collections Lab

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

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Tania Music
Tania Music
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-22, 2024


Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Get Your Damn Money - An A/R Collections Lab

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

- Sold Out

Tania Music
Tania Music
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-22, 2024


Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-22, 2024


Business Plan Workshop for Small Law Firms

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Beth Freeman
Beth Freeman
View Workshop Details

Dec 12-14, 2024


Iron Sharpens Iron Summit

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
Oscar Ferenczi
Oscar Ferenczi
Rajiv  Khatri
Rajiv Khatri
View Workshop Details

Mar 17-18, 2025


Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $1.5M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Mar 19-20, 2025


Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $7M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Jun 2-4, 2025


Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $1.5M

- Sold Out

RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Jun 5-7, 2025


Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $7M

- Sold Out

RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Sep 15-16, 2025


Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $1.5M

- Sold Out

RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Sep 17-18, 2025


Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $7M

- Sold Out

RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

HTM Program Workshops

Program Workshop


SKUtopia: Your Destination for Profitability!

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Program Workshop


SKUtopia: Your Destination for Profitability!

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SKUtopia: Your Destination for Profitability!

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Business Plan Workshop - Advanced

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Business Plan Workshop

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Program Workshop


SKUtopia: Your Destination for Profitability!

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Strategic Planning & Calendaring Workshop

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Program Workshop


Business Plan Workshop - Advanced

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Program Workshop


Business Plan Workshop

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Program Workshop


Cash Flow and Budget Workshop

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Program Workshop


Cash Flow and Budget Workshop

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Program Workshop


Cash Flow and Budget Workshop

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