

Sales Mastery Laboratory Experience (aka Gas Call Workshop)

Coming Soon

Aug 15-17, 2024







Coming Soon

San Francisco, CA


Tania Music

Laura Helton



Tania Music


Laura Helton

Workshop Overview

The Sales Mastery Laboratory Experience is NOT a Workshop.
This is a get-money-in-the-door today experience designed for members that have already attended a Sales Workshop (i.e. Train Your Dragon)
You will not be sitting at a table listening to RJon teach you sales techniques all day. You will be hustling your own client, prospect and referral lists all day, every day. Demonstrating that you Give a Shit. Getting it done. This is not a drill...
If your subconscious has you believing you don’t need this, then you probably do.
However, if your firm already has a SYSTEM in place that calls former clients and PNC’s who didn’t engage to win them back, instead of just BURNING money to get more new leads while you leave the hole in the bottom of the bucket unaddressed…then your firm may NOT need this.
If your firm ALREADY HAS a system in place that’s regularly mining the gold mine you’re sitting on top of that is your list of former clients and PNC’s…all of whom Mitch & Murray paid good money for…then I don’t have to tell you why or how valuable it is to get some “real time” coaching, feedback and advice about how that system is working when we observe it actually in action in real time, because you already know that even a small tweak we make (or a major overhaul) could easily be worth HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for your firm.
Our team will be there LIVE to teach you, coax you, coach you, encourage you and observe while you’re making your GAS calls. You will get real time feedback. You will get better. You will grow much, much, much more comfortable. You will become unafraid of and unaffected by picking up the phone and calling former clients who will reward your efforts with new business, repeat business, valuable intel, and referrals.
Do this BEFORE you invest in a new marketing campaign.

Sold Out

NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.

NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.

Workshop Overview

The Sales Mastery Laboratory Experience is NOT a Workshop.
This is a get-money-in-the-door today experience designed for members that have already attended a Sales Workshop (i.e. Train Your Dragon)
You will not be sitting at a table listening to RJon teach you sales techniques all day. You will be hustling your own client, prospect and referral lists all day, every day. Demonstrating that you Give a Shit. Getting it done. This is not a drill...
If your subconscious has you believing you don’t need this, then you probably do.
However, if your firm already has a SYSTEM in place that calls former clients and PNC’s who didn’t engage to win them back, instead of just BURNING money to get more new leads while you leave the hole in the bottom of the bucket unaddressed…then your firm may NOT need this.
If your firm ALREADY HAS a system in place that’s regularly mining the gold mine you’re sitting on top of that is your list of former clients and PNC’s…all of whom Mitch & Murray paid good money for…then I don’t have to tell you why or how valuable it is to get some “real time” coaching, feedback and advice about how that system is working when we observe it actually in action in real time, because you already know that even a small tweak we make (or a major overhaul) could easily be worth HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for your firm.
Our team will be there LIVE to teach you, coax you, coach you, encourage you and observe while you’re making your GAS calls. You will get real time feedback. You will get better. You will grow much, much, much more comfortable. You will become unafraid of and unaffected by picking up the phone and calling former clients who will reward your efforts with new business, repeat business, valuable intel, and referrals.
Do this BEFORE you invest in a new marketing campaign.

Sold Out

Are you ready to register?

To register for this workshops please visit the "Please RSVP" section of the Events Page

What Our Members Are Saying About This Workshop


"I am at the Sales Lab and have to say this 3 days devoted to GAS and Sales Calls has been eye-opening and life-changing for us. I brought my Dragon, which I cannot recommend enough. It allowed us to discuss process and improve systems on the spot rather than just create a long to do list for the future. Rjon taught us all really good ways to handle the GAS calls and Sales calls. Frankly, I hated GAS calls because I only had a script that I think I got from the forum that made me feel like my call had no purpose. Today we created a really good GAS Call script based on RJon’s teachings and I’m adding it here.
If you come to the Sales Lab bring your Dragon and get to How to Train Your Dragon workshop too. We were so lucky they were back to back because How to Train is the foundation for a really good Sales Lab experience."

~ Kimberly B.

"I did the sales lab in December. It was mind blowing. I thought I had a good idea how many leads were not converting. I thought I had a good idea of how we kept track of our leads. I thought we had good systems in place. I thought we followed up with referral sources. I thought my intake staff was following protocol. I thought they were using scripts.
And then I got to the sales lab and started making calls.
I learned a ton about my business. About how I wasn’t managing. About how my firm had MORE THAN ENOUGH LEADS. About how my intake process sucked. About how my people were in the wrong seats. About how much less money I needed to spend on marketing and about how much more money I could spend on marketing. About my “GAS call conversion rate”.; which is 40 dials = 1 sale with ACV $4,000. I calculated that I can add $250,000/yr to my top line with ZERO more marketing dollars with GAS calls."

~ Francisco S.

"Sales Mastery Laboratory Experience ranks with my mastermind and the WHY Workshop as one of the most transformative experiences I’ve had with HTM. 3 days of sitting at a spartan desk in a boiler room, staring at a wall with nothing but my lists, a laptop, and a phone. There was nothing else to do but start dialing and giving a shit."

~ David F.

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Upcoming Workshops


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Facilitator is TBD
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Erika Ferenczi
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Nichole Hanscom
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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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Sales Mastery Laboratory Experience (aka Gas Call Workshop)

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Tania Music
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Laura Helton
Laura Helton
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Erika Ferenczi
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Beth Freeman
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Train Staff to Think Like You - Fundamental Internal & External Policies + Some of Nichole's Favs

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
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How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

- Sold Out

RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Aug 15-17, 2024


Sales Mastery Laboratory Experience (aka Gas Call Workshop)

- Sold Out

Tania Music
Tania Music
Laura Helton
Laura Helton
View Workshop Details

Aug 15-16, 2024


Introduction To Mindset Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
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1% Inspiration, 99% Implementation - Get Sh*t Done Workshop

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Beth Freeman
Beth Freeman
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How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Aug 16, 2024


How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Sep 19-21, 2024


Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Sep 19-21, 2024


Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
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Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

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Leadership & Management Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
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Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

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Tania Music
Tania Music
View Workshop Details

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Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

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Get Your Damn Money - An A/R Collections Lab

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
View Workshop Details

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Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

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Tania Music
Tania Music
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-22, 2024


Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

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Get Your Damn Money - An A/R Collections Lab

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
View Workshop Details

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Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

- Sold Out

Tania Music
Tania Music
View Workshop Details

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Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

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Oscar Ferenczi
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Rajiv  Khatri
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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $7M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $1.5M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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- Sold Out

RJon Robins
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View Workshop Details

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Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $1.5M

- Sold Out

RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $7M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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