

Train Your Intake Specialist

Coming Soon

Feb 29-Mar 2, 2024







Coming Soon

Denver, CO


Dawn Mobley



Dawn Mobley

Workshop Overview

Is there a hole in your intake bucket?
You just KNOW you’re losing at least 1-2 new clients per month ($60-100,000/ year) and flushing money down the toilet because your intake person doesn’t know how to set up the sale?
NO MORE losing prospective new clients!
NO MORE bad first impressions!
With the RIGHT TRAINING, your intake person will SLAY ALL DAY!!!
Your INTAKE PERSON HAS THE POWER to make a lasting first impression to prospective new clients and set up the sale for your Dragon.
We will put your Intake person through a 3-day intensive training that will turn them into an intake slayer!

  • Learn how every step of your intake process should be designed to pre-condition PNCs to engage your firm.
  • Demystify the most effective ways to properly screen your leads so your sales team is only meeting with qualified PNS’s.
  • Teach your Intake specialist how to be a “Demi-Dragon” by Giving A Shit so they are consistently looking for opportunities to solve problems and sell consultations.
  • Proper documentation is key! We’ll teach you proven techniques and offer templates for your intake specialist so they can slay.
  • Learn what to track and how to track it using our “The Metrics That Matter” report

Your Intake person will walk away with a fresh perspective, a shifted mindset, and all the tools and templates they need to hit the ground running!

Sold Out

NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.

NEW! All Workshop registration links can be found under "UPCOMING WORKSHOPS" in the Membership Events Page. Click here to get registered for this Workshop.

Workshop Overview

Is there a hole in your intake bucket?
You just KNOW you’re losing at least 1-2 new clients per month ($60-100,000/ year) and flushing money down the toilet because your intake person doesn’t know how to set up the sale?
NO MORE losing prospective new clients!
NO MORE bad first impressions!
With the RIGHT TRAINING, your intake person will SLAY ALL DAY!!!
Your INTAKE PERSON HAS THE POWER to make a lasting first impression to prospective new clients and set up the sale for your Dragon.
We will put your Intake person through a 3-day intensive training that will turn them into an intake slayer!

  • Learn how every step of your intake process should be designed to pre-condition PNCs to engage your firm.
  • Demystify the most effective ways to properly screen your leads so your sales team is only meeting with qualified PNS’s.
  • Teach your Intake specialist how to be a “Demi-Dragon” by Giving A Shit so they are consistently looking for opportunities to solve problems and sell consultations.
  • Proper documentation is key! We’ll teach you proven techniques and offer templates for your intake specialist so they can slay.
  • Learn what to track and how to track it using our “The Metrics That Matter” report

Your Intake person will walk away with a fresh perspective, a shifted mindset, and all the tools and templates they need to hit the ground running!

Sold Out

Are you ready to register?

To register for this workshops please visit the "Please RSVP" section of the Events Page

What Our Members Are Saying About This Workshop


"Day 2 of the Training your Intake Person Dragon Style is almost done. Already tying everything together and we still have day 3 to go! The training has been awesome! Dawn is the mother of Demi-dragons! Can’t wait for my new intake person to start implementing so we can SLAY!!"

~ Joy E.

“I had two brand new people attend, and we booked two strategy sessions today. Also, my employees feel good about the fact that I invested in them, and they feel confident about their ability to sell.
I’d recommend sending both your receptionist and your intake people if they hold it again.”

~ Samuel D.

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Upcoming Workshops


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Facilitator is TBD
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Train Staff to Think Like You - Fundamental Internal & External Policies + Some of Nichole's Favs

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How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

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Sales Mastery Laboratory Experience (aka Gas Call Workshop)

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Laura Helton
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Introduction To Mindset Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
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1% Inspiration, 99% Implementation - Get Sh*t Done Workshop

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Beth Freeman
Beth Freeman
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Aug 16, 2024


How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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Aug 16, 2024


How To Build A Million Dollar Referral Machine For Your Law Firm

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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Sep 19-21, 2024


Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
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Sep 19-21, 2024


Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Sep 19-21, 2024


Unleash The BEAST

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
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Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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Sep 22-25, 2024


Mastermind with RJon

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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Sep 23-25, 2024


Leadership & Management Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
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Sep 23-25, 2024


Leadership & Management Workshop

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Erika Ferenczi
Erika Ferenczi
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Get Your Damn Money - An A/R Collections Lab

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
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Nov 21-23, 2024


Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

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Tania Music
Tania Music
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Nov 21-22, 2024


Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Get Your Damn Money - An A/R Collections Lab

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

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Tania Music
Tania Music
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Nov 21-22, 2024


Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Get Your Damn Money - An A/R Collections Lab

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Evelyn Aucoin
Evelyn Aucoin
Robert Musso
Robert Musso
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-23, 2024


Train Your Dragon to Sell Legal Services

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Tania Music
Tania Music
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Nov 21-22, 2024


Onboarding for Success

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Nichole Hanscom
Nichole Hanscom
View Workshop Details

Nov 21-22, 2024


Business Plan Workshop for Small Law Firms

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Beth Freeman
Beth Freeman
View Workshop Details

Dec 12-14, 2024


Iron Sharpens Iron Summit

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
Oscar Ferenczi
Oscar Ferenczi
Rajiv  Khatri
Rajiv Khatri
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Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $1.5M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Mar 19-20, 2025


Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $7M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $1.5M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

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Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $7M

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RJon Robins
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View Workshop Details

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Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $1.5M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
View Workshop Details

Sep 17-18, 2025


Iron Sharpens Iron with RJon > $7M

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RJon Robins
RJon Robins
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